Wonder Girls, Irony MV (2007)


Wonder Girls, Irony MV (2007)


The Wonder Girls take up a sexy school girl image for this hip-hop sounding song. The Girls want to take revenge on one of their ex-boyfriends, and track him down with their super computer (disguised as a Vanity). Once they find him, they make a voodoo doll of him and torture him while he's on a date. Afterwards, they go to the club and face the ex-boyfriend. When he tries to reconcile, Sunye literally blows him into the wall. The choreography is very different than their later videos, focusing more on hip-hop roots and sexy poses.

Catalogued by: Bianca Flowers

Music Video


“Wonder Girls, Irony MV (2007),” KPOPIANA, accessed May 15, 2024, https://kpoparchives.omeka.net/items/show/411.


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